Thematic and system evaluations

Thematic evaluation focus on a content package or a theme. The target may also be the evaluation of the state of a particular form of education. System evaluations focus on the education system as a whole or its part. In addition, the target may be the educational policy and its implementation or the development of the education system. Thematic and system evaluations may focus either on vocational education and training (VET) only, or then simultaneously several levels of the education system.
The evaluation will use inclusive and varied evaluation methods. The key is to take into account the perspectives of various stakeholders, critical and profound study of the phenomenon to be evaluated and to get a comprehensive understanding of the evaluation target.
Ongoing thematic evaluations:
Completed thematic evaluations from 2016–2024:
- Evaluation of the new forms of student counselling (OHJA) 2022-2024
- Evaluation of education in the ECEC sector
- Competence provided by VET in relation to the requirements of studies at universities of applied sciences
- Overall evaluation of the qualification system of vocational education and training
- Quality of demonstration activities and the competence shown in vocational competence demonstrations
- Individual learning pathways in vocational education and training
- Workplace education and training and working life cooperation in VET
- Evaluation of education in the maritime sector 2020–2022
- Ability of the education system to respond to challenges of continuous learning in sudden structural changes
- Students growth into active and critical citizens in upper secondary education
- The provision of special support in vocational education and training
- Evaluation of student transitions and smooth study paths
- Immigrants’ educational pathways
- Entrepreneurship in vocational education and training and in higher education
- International comparison of the integration of immigrants into the educational system
- The competence-based, customer-oriented approach and increased effectiveness of vocational education and training (VET)
- Assessment of the learning outcome evaluation system for vocational education and training (VET)
- Evaluation of education in the maritime sector 2015-2017