Evaluation of student transitions and smooth study paths
The evaluation focused on the functionality of the transition phases of the education system as well as education’s ability to ensure young people’s flexible transitions from one level of education to another, to support young people’s choices and to prevent exclusion risks.
The evaluation areas were:
- the guidance of students at transition phases
- students’ application and acceptance processes
- education providers’ co-operation with different parties
- education’s ability to support young people in choices related to further studies and occupational orientation.
The first evaluation phase in 2018–2019 focused on transitions after basic education. The evaluation covered basic education, upper secondary education and vocational education and training. The transition-phase education types included in the evaluation were voluntary additional basic education (“year ten”), preparatory education for vocational training (VALMA), instruction preparing for general upper secondary education (LUVA) and long-term programmes of liberal adult education organised by folk high schools.
Evaluation report
Options, choices and new beginnings – Evaluation of the study paths and counselling of young people in the transition phase between basic and upper secondary education (The report is in Finnish, but contains a summary in English)
At FINEEC, the project was carried out by a project group with the following members:
Jani Goman, Counsellor of Evaluation, project manager
Risto Hietala, Evaluation expert
Johanna Kiesi, Evaluation expert
Niina Rumpu, Senior Advisor
An expert group participated in the planning and execution of the project; the group has the following members:
- Merja Hilpinen, ylitarkastaja, OKM, nuoriso- ja liikuntapolitiikan osasto
- Hans Kankkonen, opinto-ohjaaja, Merenkurkun koulu, Vaasa
- Ismo-Olav Kjäldman, rehtori, Leppävaaran lukio, Espoo
- Susanna Niinistö-Sivuranta, kehitysjohtaja, Helsingin yliopisto
- Seija Nykänen, rehtori, Vaajakosken yhtenäiskoulu, Jyväskylä
- Tytti Pantsar, toiminnanjohtaja, Suomen Kansanopistoyhdistys
- Heikki Piilonen, opinto-ohjaaja, Oulun seudun ammattiopisto
- Anu Raudasoja, koulutuspäällikkö, Hämeen ammattikorkeakoulu
- Mikko Siippainen, opinto-ohjaaja, Vuoreksen koulu, Tampere
- Anna Toni, erityisasiantuntija, Työ- ja elinkeinoministeriö
- Raimo Vuorinen, projektipäällikkö, Valtakunnallinen ohjausalan osaamiskeskus VOKES, Jyväskylän yliopisto, Koulutuksen tutkimuslaitos
The second phase of the evaluation was intended to cover transitions after upper secondary education. Due to the corona crisis, the second phase was canceled. The themes of the evaluation have been included in other evaluations of FINEEC.
For more details, please contact:

Jani Goman