Audit of the Kajaani University of Applied Sciences 2021
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences passed FINEEC’s audit – particular strengths include an operating culture that encourages experiments and students’ engagement in education development
The strengths of Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) include close networking and contacts with business life and public actors in the region. This provides KAMK with a constantly updating picture of development in the operating environment and opportunities for responding to needs emerging in it. KAMK also counts an operating culture that encourages experiments and strong project activities among its strengths.
Kajaani University of Applied Sciences (KAMK) successfully passed the audit carried out by the Finnish Education Evaluation Centre (FINEEC) and was awarded a Quality Label valid for six years. Passing the audit shows that KAMK's activities and quality system meet both the national criteria and the European quality assurance criteria for higher education institutions.
Active student engagement in education development
KAMK’s strongly student-centric approach and flexible range of studies not only encourage students to take on an active role in their learning processes but also support student welfare. An encouraging atmosphere and support for enterprising help students find opportunities to employ themselves as entrepreneurs. The audit team recommends giving the students more feedback that supports the achievement of their learning outcomes, however. In addition, guidance practices for students pursuing continuous learning should be developed.
Esports Business programme should be boldly internationalised
The Esports Business programme, which leads to a Bachelor of Business Administration degree, responds to a new type of educational need and creates unique expertise in e-sports as a business and work environment. KAMK listens to feedback provided by partners and students and makes the necessary changes to the programme on its basis.
- KAMK's Esports Business education programme has its finger on the pulse of time and is an excellent example of cooperation with working life and other stakeholders. Cooperation with other higher education institutions would enrich the content and delivery of the programme. In the future, the Esports Business programme should also be boldly internationalised and systematically directed to international markets. To assist KAMK in this, we recommend setting up an international steering group consisting of experts in the field, sums up Katri Ojasalo, Vice President, from Laurea University of Applied Sciences.
Strong networking supports possibilities to meet the needs of the operating environment
KAMK's close networking and contacts with business life and public actors in the region provide the institution with a continuously updating picture of development in the operating environment and opportunities to respond to its needs.
- KAMK’s strengths include an operating culture that encourages experiments and strong project activities. However, more versatile information on the results of societal interaction and effectiveness would make it easier to communicate about KAMK's strengths and lend better support for targeting development measures, says Katri Ojasalo, who chaired the audit team.
Finland launched the audits of quality systems of higher education institutions in 2005. All Finnish universities and universities of applied sciences have participated in the audits. The third audit cycle, which began with pilot audits in 2018, is currently under way.
The audit report is available on FINEEC’s audit platform:
Further information
Katri Ojasalo, Vice President, audit team chair, 040 7366253, katri.ojasalo(at)
Kirsi Mustonen, Senior Evaluation Advisor, audit project manager, 029 533 5515, kirsi.mustonen(at)