Audit of the Humak University of Applied Sciences 2024
FINEEC conducts an audit of the Humak University of Applied Sciences. A two-day audit visit at the Humak University of Applied of Sciences is carried out 24-25 April 2024. The audit report is to be published by September 2024 on FINEEC’s digital audit platform.
The audit is conducted by the following audit team:
Vice President, Education Heidi Rontu, Metropolia University of Applied Sciences (chair of the audit team)
HR Director Sinikka Valtonen, City of Turku
Director for Education Esa Viklund, Savonia University of Applied Sciences
Student Leevi Viljanen, Lapland University of Applied Sciences
The purpose of the audit is
- to evaluate whether the quality work in the HEI meets the European quality assurance standards,
- to assess whether the quality system produces relevant information for the implementation of the strategy and the continuous development of the HEI's activities, and whether it results in effective enhancement activities,
- to encourage internationalisation, experimenting and a creative atmosphere at HEIs, and
- to accumulate open and transparent information on quality work at Finnish HEIs.
The focus of the audit is on the procedures used by the HEI to maintain and enhance the quality of its activities.
The FINEEC audits cover all the core duties of the HEI, that is, education, research /RDI and societal engagement. The strategic development of HEIs is supported in the audit by offering HEIs the possibility to select one of the evaluation areas. The Humak University of Applied Sciences has chosen as one of the evaluation areas themanagement of a multi-location organisation.
Benchlearning is one of the methods applied in the audits. The benchlearning partner of the Humak University of Applied Sciences is Jyväskylä University of Applied Sciences and the benchlearning target is societal impact of RDI-activities.
The enhancement-led approach is applied in the audits. The goal of enhancement-led evaluation is to involve staff, students and stakeholders of a higher education institution (HEI) in recognising strengths, good practices and enhancement areas in the HEI’s activities. The aim is also to support HEIs in achieving their own objectives, thus creating a premise for the continuous development of HEIs.
The contact person at FINEEC