Engineering programme accreditations
Accreditation can lead to an international quality label
Engineering programme accreditation is a degree programme specific evaluation which can lead to the international EUR-ACE Label. The accreditation aims to support the development of quality in engineering degree programmes and increase international comparability and recognition of Finnish engineering degrees in the industry. Higher education institutions (HEIs) may utilise engineering degree programme accreditations to get an external view on how well the students in a programme receive the knowledge and skills required by the industry.
The accreditation method is based on the European Accredited Engineer (EUR-ACE) standard administered by the European Network for Accreditation of Engineering Education (ENAEE). Accredited programmes will be granted the EUR-ACE Label, which is valid for six years from the evaluation decision. The quality label shows that the programme has passed an internationally recognised accreditation in the field of engineering. Accreditations are voluntary for the HEIs and a fee covering the costs will be charged.
In 2022-2023, FINEEC piloted the accreditations of the three-year degree programmes as well as two-year degree programmes at the Finnish universities
FINEEC is authorised to award the EUR-ACE Label to the following engineering or technology programmes in higher education:
- 4-year (240 ECTS) bachelor’s degree programmes
- 3-year (180 ECTS) bachelor’s degree programmes and
- 2-year (120 ECTS) master’s degree programmes
The accreditation method and criteria are presented in the Standards and Procedures for Engineering Programme Accreditation. The principles of online accrediatations are also described in this document. Due to Covid situation, online accreditations are possible for the time being, when travel limitations, local situation or quarantine prevent to implement on-site visits.
FINEEC provides self-assessment templates for the degree programme to be accredited:
Also the accreditation report template provide further guidance on how the criteria are applied and assessed in the accreditations.
Accreditation evaluates how students attain the learning outcomes
The accreditation is based on the knowledge, skills and competencies which students in engineering programmes should attain in order to function successfully in working life. These reference programme outcomes are interpreted from the perspective of the requirements of the field of the programme under review. The focus is on the functioning of the programme as a whole – organisation, implementation and development – from the perspective of the attainment of programme outcomes. Thus, the accreditation evaluates whether the programme functions so that the students attain the programme outcomes set. In addition, it highlights the strengths and good practices of the programme while giving recommendations on how to develop the programme. As an end result
- The programme is accredited without reservation and the accreditation is valid for six years;
- The programme is conditionally accredited, and the accreditation is valid for six years only if the conditions are met within a specified amount of time;
- The programme is not accredited.
FINEEC’s Committee for Engineering Education
FINEEC has a special committee for the accreditations of engineering programmes, the FINEEC Committee for Engineering Education. The committee acts under and is nominated by the FINEEC Higher Education Evaluation Committee. Its members are in 9.1.2023-30.11.2026:
- Riitta Tempakka, Unit Director, Satakunta University of Applied Sciences (SAMK) (Chair)
- Jari Iinatti, Professor, University of Oulu (Vice-chair)
- Kia Kauppinen, Student in engineering, Tampere University of Applied Sciences
- Vesa Kohtamäki, Head of Nokia Technology Center Espoo
- Lassi Martikainen, Unit Director, Häme University of Applied Sciences (HAMK)
- Juhani Nokela, Director of Public Relations, Academic Engineers and Architects in Finland TEK
- Raili Pönni, Head of Planning, Aalto University
- Kim Roos, Senior Lecturer, Degree Programme Director, Arcada University of Applied Sciences
- Karo Saharinen, Senior Lecturer, JAMK University of Applied Sciences
- Arja Sinkko, Education Director, Xamk University of Applied Sciences
- Sari Stenvall-Virtanen, Education Manager, University of Turku
- Marleena Yli-Äyhö, Head of Study Services, Tampere University
The tasks of the committee include deciding on the accreditation results and developing the accreditation process and criteria.
To interested higher education institutions
If your institution is interested in an accreditation of a engineering degree programme, you can get more information from Kati Isoaho,
Engineering experts are chosen for the review groups
FINEEC is currently looking for experts for the engineering programme accreditation teams. Each accreditation team will comprise 4 members representing both higher education sectors, working life in the engineering industry and the students. The members of the accreditation team:
- familiarise themselves with the higher education institution’s (HEI) self-evaluation and other review materials
- draw up interview questions for the site visit
- decide on the details of the visit and implement the visit in the way planned
- draw up the accreditation report
- make a proposal on the result of the accreditation
We are looking for review group members who
- work or study in the field of engineering in a HEI or in engineering duties in working life
- are interested in the development of higher education
- have possibly previously performed various evaluation duties
- are willing and capable of performing the accreditation with English as the working language, including reporting
Should you be interested in working as an expert, please contact Senior Evaluation Advisor Kati Isoaho,